Healthy stock. Healthy profits. Tithebarn means business

Tithebarn has been a specialist in livestock feed supplements since 1935. Our top quality products and excellent service maximise stock health and productivity.
We have proven and trusted products for all livestock and all farm conditions. For value and cost effectiveness, we’re unbeatable.
Purity, quality and value from the experts

All our products are led by science and fully farm tested. Our technical department is committed to continuous research, development and improvement. This ensures that whatever new nutrition challenge arises, there will already be a Tithebarn product to overcome it.
Merging with Minsups – a bigger and better offer for farmers

Tithebarn and Minsups have completed a merger that sees both companies benefit from shared expertise and over 130 years of combined experience within the industry.
Both Minsups and Tithebarn are leading specialist manufacturers of livestock feed supplements, with complementary products and a common mission to help farmers improve the health and profitability of their stock.
John Kelso Joins Tithebarn
John joins Tithebarn as the new Managing Director. A qualified ruminant nutritionist, with a lot of industry experience, John hails [...]
Are you already sick of the flies this summer?
With an ongoing promotion now is the time to get in touch. Our products are designed to:- Deter flies, [...]
Have you started weaning your lambs yet?
Do you want to improve daily liveweight gain in your lambs and calves? These products are specifically formulated in [...]